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Add a network using Chainlist

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If you want to add networks to MetaMask, accessing Chainlist is one of the easiest ways to do it.

Network switching

MetaMask is in the process of improving the networking switching experience. As of v12.0, you will no longer have to manually switch between networks while connected to multiple dapps at the same time. This feature is currently available in Extension only.

  1. Head to the Chainlist site at

  2. Firstly, you'll need to connect your wallet to the site. Select 'Connect wallet' in the top right to do so.

Connect to chainlist

When successful, the address of our selected account will replace the 'Connect wallet' button:

Connect to chainlist

  1. Now use the search bar to find the network you want to connect to. Once you've found it, click the button 'Add Chain'.

Connect to chainlist.png

  1. MetaMask itself will now spring into action, and will present you with an approval menu. Click 'Approve' to proceed.

Connect to chainlist.png

  1. This will be followed by a menu asking you whether you want to switch to the new network immediately. Confirm or reject this depending on your needs; either way, the new network will be added.

For details on how to add custom networks by inputting their details manually, see our article on the topic.

Please note we do not maintain the network information on Chainlist. Make sure the network details are accurate before adding them.