Getting started with MetaMask Snaps
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Snaps allow you to add features and functionality to your MetaMask wallet. Individual Snaps are unique applications created by third-party developers, which you can install into MetaMask, allowing you to connect to blockchain networks beyond Ethereum, adding support for insights on your transactions, as well as introducing notifications.
MetaMask Snaps lets you personalize your MetaMask experience according to how you see fit. Let's dive in!
Seek out your Snap
The first step is to find the ideal Snap for your needs. There are two ways to install a Snap; through third-party dapps, or the MetaMask Snaps Directory.
Snaps are created by third-party developers and are a Third Party Service as defined in the Consensys Terms of Use. You access, rely upon or use the Third Party Service at your own risk. Consensys disclaims all responsibility and liability for any losses on account of your use of Third Party Services. Always do your own research before installing any Snap, and carefully review the permissions requested.
Via websites/dapps
Dapps can directly prompt you to install their accompanying Snap. For example, you might visit your favorite DeFi protocol's dashboard, which prompts you to install their Snap, allowing them to send relevant notifications directly to your MetaMask instance about an order being filled.
Eager to know which dapps have already created a Snap? Luckily, the MetaMask Snaps Directory is here to help you explore further.
Via the MetaMask Snaps Directory
The easiest way to find new Snaps is by going to the MetaMask Snaps Directory, your one-stop shop for exploring new Snaps.
Looking for a step-by-step on installing a Snap? Learn more about installing a Snap.
As part of the launch of MetaMask Snaps, individual Snaps must be put on an allowlist before they can be installed by users. This means that at this time, only selected, audited Snaps can be installed. In the future, this system will be opened up. By including a Snap on the allowlist, Consensys is not endorsing, recommending, or guaranteeing the safety of this Snap for your use or use for any reason. Always do your own research before installing any Snap.
Explore more
With these steps completed, you're now well-equipped to dive into the world of MetaMask Snaps. Happy metamagical exploring! 🚀