How to update a Snap
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MetaMask Snaps opens up a realm of new possibilities to your MetaMask, and to make the most of your Snaps, keeping them up-to-date is essential.
Update a Snap
If you've previously installed a Snap and a new version is available, you can easily update it from the dapp or website where you installed it. This guide will walk you through the simple steps to update a Snap.
Ensure you've unlocked your MetaMask instance, then navigate to the dapp or website where you initially installed the Snap.
Upon connecting to the dapp or website, if an update is available, you'll receive a prompt notifying you that an update is ready to be downloaded for the Snap you previously installed.
The Snap might request new, additional permissions it previously didn't have access to; carefully review these.
If you're comfortable with the newly requested permissions, click the "Update" button to proceed with updating the Snap.
- You're all set! You 've successfully updated the Snap to the latest version. 🚀