MetaMask states 'Balance may be outdated', displays in orange, or ETH not added to balance
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This article applies to MetaMask Extension.
If you see your balance in orange, it might be outdated due to a permission or network connectivity issue:
To fix this issue, try the following:
- Chromium-based browsers: Chrome, Brave, Edge
- Firefox
- Right-click on the MetaMask Extension icon
- Select 'This Can Read and Change Site Data'
- Select 'On All Sites'
These instructions will look similar across Chromium-based browsers: i.e. Chrome, Edge, and Brave.
The permission to access data on all sites is enabled by default on Firefox, since it's a permission which MetaMask automatically requests for core functionality.
You may also need close and re-open your browser, or try a different internet connection entirely.
If you continue to experience this issue, please contact MetaMask Support.