How can I reset my password?
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Please note that when resetting your wallet as described here, any accounts (addresses) that do NOT ORIGINATE from your phrase will not be recovered afterwards. These imported accounts, either hardware wallet or imported via private key, are NOT INCLUDED under the Secret Recovery Phrase and will need to be re-added manually. Please be sure to verify that you have the private key/seed phrase for any imported accounts before proceeding with the reset process.
When resetting your password for your MetaMask wallet, you will need your 12-word secret Secret Recovery Phrase. If you do not already have your Secret Recovery Phrase saved someplace safe, please make sure to read How to reveal your Secret Recovery Phrase.
Before trying these steps, confirm that you have your Secret Recovery Phrase with you, as you will not be able to reset your password otherwise and will risk being locked out of your wallet.
- Extension
- Mobile
- If your wallet is currently unlocked, please lock it, click on the account icon on the top right corner to open the dropdown menu, and select Lock in the dropdown of the account.
- As soon you are on the Unlock view, click Forgot password:
- Enter your 12-word secret Secret Recovery Phrase in the text boxes. Make sure you insert each word in the correct order, and all in lower case.
- Enter your new password.
- Retype your password to confirm it was written correctly.
- Click restore:
- If your wallet is currently unlocked, you'll need to lock the app to access the button for resetting your password. To do this, navigate to settings and select Lock at the bottom.
As soon you are on the unlock view, click Reset Wallet.
You will see the message: "Are you sure you want to erase your wallet" click "I understand, continue".
Type delete my wallet.
As soon as you confirm, you will return to the setup screen where you can tap Import using Secret Recovery Phrase.
Can MetaMask Support reset my password for me?
MetaMask is not a cloud-based solution and never has access to your Secret Recovery Phrase. It resides locally on your device (client-side) and is only shown to you.
If you get an error regarding your Secret Recovery Phrase being invalid, check here.
For more on passwords in MetaMask, see here.