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What EL/CL clients are used for my validator?

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MetaMask and Consensys are committed to client diversity. Towards this end, Consensys is developing an execution layer (EL) client (Besu) and a consensus layer (CL) client (Teku).

The Consensys Staking infrastructure powering MetaMask validator staking uses an algorithm to distribute validators across multiple execution layer and consensus layer clients.

On the consensus layer, we run two clients for validator duties: Teku and Lighthouse. Our algorithm allocates new validators to Teku or Lighthouse in order to maintain a 50%-50% split between Teku and Lighthouse across the entire platform.

On the execution layer, we run two clients for validator duties: Geth and Besu. 58% of validators use Besu, and 42% use Geth.


Currently, Geth represents a 'supermajority', and is used by more than two-thirds of validators across the Ethereum network. Validators running supermajority clients may face greater risk in the event of a bug in the execution client software than validators running a minority client.

Although Consensys already contributes to client diversity by using a mix of clients, we will continuously evaluate how Geth adoption evolves throughout the ecosystem. If Geth usage does not continue to fall ecosystem-wide, we will take additional actions to further reduce our Geth adoption.

Beyond client diversity, Consensys Staking validators are distributed across two clouds (Azure, AWS) and six regions (two each in the US, Europe, and Asia).