Featured Articles
Cómo agregar la RPC de una red personalizada
MetaMask puede acceder a muchas más redes que solo la red principal de Ethereum.
How to use MetaMask on Solana
Learn how to use MetaMask on Solana, Bitcoin, and other non-Ethereum networks.
How to remove networks
All networks (outside of preloaded networks) can be removed from MetaMask.
How to view testnets in MetaMask
Devs, view testnets from the network selector and configure in settings.
Añadir una red utilizando Chainlist
Si desea agregar redes a MetaMask, acceder a Chainlist es una de las maneras más fáciles de hacerlo.
How to connect to Linea on MetaMask
Find Linea in MetaMask's drop-down menu!
Custom networks missing after reinstalling or restoring from Secret Recovery Phrase
When you reinstall MetaMask, custom networks need to be re-added. This is because MetaMask essentially considers your wallet to be a completely new instance of the app, and will not retain any of the data that was previously stored locally — custom networks being one example.
Error 'Internal JSON-RPC error' when trying to interact with other networks
If you are interacting with sidechains or custom networks, we highly recommend you read our user guide here.
Error: Invalid or missing bridge url parameter value
Troubleshoot by resetting your account.
Error 'No chain ID defined'
Troubleshoot by toggling networks.
Using a local node
Once you have your own node up and running, you can connect MetaMask to it.
Verificar los datos de redes personalizadas
Cuando un sitio web solicita que agregue una red personalizada a MetaMask, se le presenta la información que MetaMask utilizará para interactuar con aquella red. En MetaMask se realizará una validación básica de esta información, y le avisará si algo parece mal o fuera de lo normal. En MetaMask también se evitará que la misma red se agregue más de una vez. Aunque MetaMask no verifica las redes personalizadas, incluso si la validación de MetaMask es correcta, la red podría ser maliciosa o tergiversada por el sitio web que la solicitó.
Why Infura cannot serve certain areas
Infura is unavailable to persons in certain jurisdictions due to U.S. sanctions.