Featured Articles
How to use the bridge
What is bridging, and how do you do it?
I have sent funds from Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask but I don't see the tokens in my MetaMask wallet
Learn more about transactions from the Binance Smart Chain to MetaMask.
How are bridge fees calculated?
Learn how bridge fees are calculated as you move tokens between networks.
Cómo enviar tokens desde BSC a Ethereum u otras cadenas
Transferir activos desde BSC a otra cadena es algo que tiene que hacerse correctamente. Si lo hace mal, puede perder sus activos para siempre.
Enviar activos a Binance (BNB Smart Chain)
Si quiere mover tokens desde la red de Ethereum, o cualquier otra red compatible con la EVM, a la BSC, entonces tiene suerte:
What happens when I initiate a transfer on a bridge?
Transferring an ERC-20 token? Learn more here.
What is refueling?
What does refueling mean? Why should you do it?