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Cómo mostrar los tokens en MetaMask

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Enlaces rápidos:

Normalmente, MetaMask muestra los tokens tipo ERC-20 (o los tokens estándar) que usted posee en la página de la cuenta correspondiente. Sin embargo, con la proliferación de tokens en Ethereum y otras redes, MetaMask no mantiene una lista definitiva, sino que le permite agregar cualquier token que cumpla con el estándar ERC-20.

Hay dos maneras diferentes de agregar tokens no listados a su billetera de MetaMask:

Primero, puede activar una función avanzada que detecta tokens de forma automática en posesión de su dirección, y los añade a su billetera. Se utilizarán listas de tokens agregados a partir de varias listas de tokens de la comunidad; MetaMask no mantiene una lista de tokens 'aceptados' o 'validados'. Si elige esta opción, tenga en cuenta que siempre se debe tener precaución en cuanto a los tokens desconocidos:

  1. No interactúe o conecte su billetera con ningún sitio web que no conozca, que no haya investigado y no tenga motivos para creer que sea de fiar.
  2. Siempre debe tener cuidado con los tokens desconocidos y verificarlos antes de interactuar con ellos. Más información sobre las prácticas recomendadas para la seguridad de los tokens aquí.
  3. Si al intentar realizar una transacción con el token, esta falla y la cadena de bloques muestra un error escrito por el estafador que lo redirige a un sitio web, es probable que se trate de un sitio de phishing, por lo que se recomienda NO hacer clic en este enlace.
  4. Infórmese sobre los métodos que utilizan los estafadores para robarle los fondos. Entienda que no siempre hay garantías adecuadas para asegurar que la información que se encuentra en la web sea digna de fiar.

Enhanced token detection

Only available on certain networks!

Enhanced token detection is available on Ethereum Mainnet, Linea, Avalanche, BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base, and zkSync.

If you're a new MetaMask user, token detection is enabled by default.

If you're an existing user, you might have to turn it on. To do so, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner of the wallet view, navigate to 'Settings', and then 'Security & Privacy', and make sure the toggle is on.

MetaMask autodetect tokens

Once you've enabled token detection, go back to your asset list, and refresh if necessary — hopefully, any tokens you weren't seeing before are there now.

Note that token detection takes place on Ethereum mainnet regardless of whether this setting is on or off; enhanced token detection just expands this function to cover the additional networks listed above.

To see your tokens, click on the Tokens tab. Your tokens should be listed under this tab. If they're not, and automatic token detection isn't picking them up, then click on 'Import token' at the bottom.

Clicking here will bring you to a search bar:

  1. Type in words contained in the token you would like to search. For example, if I would like to look for Chainlink (Symbol: LINK), I just type in "LI” in the bar, and the search bar will return all the suggestions.
  2. Select token of interest, and click Next to proceed. (As soon as you select a token, the button's border will be highlighted in blue)
  3. Click Add token to proceed. You will be then redirected to your account page. The token you have just added will be listed.

Import a token MetaMask

How to add a custom token

  1. Click on 'Import tokens', located at the bottom of the 'Tokens' tab on your wallet homepage.

  2. Switch to the 'Custom token' tab at the top, and then enter the token address in the first field. See below if you don't know where to find this.

  3. In most cases, the token symbol and token decimal will autofill. If they don't, head to the network's block explorer and find the token. Its symbol and decimals will most likely be displayed.

Find custom token details

If you still can't find the token details, try locating the token's documentation through a web search.

  1. Click 'Add Custom Token' to proceed.
  2. You will now see a page asking you to confirm that you want to add the token. When you click 'Import Tokens', the token type will be added to your wallet.

Import a custom token MetaMask

How to find the token address

Take a look at this article to see a couple of different ways to find your token address.

You could also ask the person who sends you the tokens for the token's contract address.

**Please be aware that if someone told you they have sent you tokens, but they are unable to provide you:

  • the token address, or
  • the transaction hash (a unique transaction ID),

it's possible that they haven't in fact done so.**

How to add a token using a block explorer


In addition to Etherscan, this will work with most major block explorers, including BscScan, Polygonscan, Snowtrace, etc., as they generally share a similar design.

  1. Go to the block explorer.
  2. Search for your token. You can also go via the 'Tokens' link in the menu bar.
  3. Click the 'More' button in the top right of the token's profile summary.
  4. Click 'Add token to MetaMask (Web3)'

add token using block

  1. MetaMask will pop up for you to confirm that you want to add the token.

add token MetaMask

How to add a token using a coin listing site

Sites such as Coingecko or CoinMarketCap offer MetaMask integration that allows you to add a token to MetaMask directly from its entry on their site.

To access this, simply head to one of these sites and find the token you want to add by using the search bar. Then find the contract address and click the MetaMask fox. A prompt will appear to confirm that you want to add the token to your wallet.

Add token to MetaMask from coin listing


On MetaMask Mobile, make sure you access the site using the in-app browser, rather than your device's standard browser. This is the only way to access web links that integrate with MetaMask as you can do on your desktop browser using Extension.

This method also allows you to add the token on different networks, depending on whether a corresponding smart contract has been deployed on that network by the token owners. Click the three dots next to the contract address to select a different network, and then click the fox to add the token on that network.

Using MetaMask Portfolio

MetaMask Portfolio is a MetaMask-associated platform that aggregates and displays your token balances. Usefully, once you connect your wallet it automatically detects and displays the majority of tokens.

All you need to do is follow the link and connect your wallet. See our articles on how to use the dapp if you need more guidance.