How to watch a token in MetaMask Portfolio
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You can watch tokens in your dashboard to keep track of their current price in your chosen currency, price changes, and market cap (price x supply).
To add a token to your watchlist:
- Head to the 'Tokens' tab from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. On mobile devices, tap the three dots in the top-left to access this menu.
- The token list on your 'Tokens' page is immediately visible at the top of the page — switch to the 'Watchlist' tab to see that tokens you've already starred.
- To add a token to your watchlist, use the search bar in your empty watchlist or at the top of the dapp. Once you've found the token you want, you can click on it to view more information, or just hit the star button next to it.
- Its price data will then be visible in the 'Watchlist' tab: