How to back up your wallet data
On MetaMask Extension only, you can find an option under Settings > Advanced that enables you to download a record of wallet information including:
- Your accounts, their addresses and the names you assigned (if any)
- Contacts in your address book
- Wallet settings, e.g. language, token detection preferences, and most other toggleable settings in MetaMask
- Custom networks you've added.
This backup can be useful to have on file if, for whatever reason, you need to restore your wallet to factory settings. In such a situation, you could reference the data in this file to manually reconfigure your wallet according to your preferences.
As the file uses the .json
format, it may be difficult to read depending on the software you have available to open it with. If this is the case, search the web to access one of the many free JSON formatter tools available.
If you need assistance with interpreting the contents of your backup, please get in touch with Support by hitting the chat button in the bottom-right of this page. See here for more information on contacting MetaMask Support.