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An NFT is missing, marked suspicious, or not displaying correctly in MetaMask Portfolio

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Looking for information on NFTs in MetaMask?

This article is specifically about displaying NFTs in MetaMask Portfolio at For information about NFTs in MetaMask Extension or Mobile, see here.

An NFT in your account may display in the dashboard as you'd expect. There are a few ways this can occur:

An NFT is missing

MetaMask Portfolio works by leveraging data indexing services that compile (index) on-chain activity so that we can display it in the application. Sometimes, NFTs may not display on your dashboard because these services have not yet indexed them.

In these cases, please wait a short while. If you've already been waiting a significant time and can verify on a block explorer that the NFT is in your account, please contact us via the support button in the bottom-right corner of MetaMask Portfolio.

An NFT is not displaying correctly

Just like major NFT platforms such as OpenSea, we need to be able to access NFT metadata for the dapp to display the NFT image, GIF, or video. Metadata refers to the various characteristics of the token that define it: aspects such as quantity, rarity, name, description, etc.

The metadata itself should ideally be in a standardized format which our dapp is built to interpret. If the image metadata (or visual metadata more generally) is not in a supported format, it won't be displayed in the dapp. We're working on adding support for more formats and ensuring as many NFTs display correctly as possible.

However, if you don't see your NFT image and just a placeholder instead, rest assured nothing has happened to it; it is still safely in your account on-chain.

An NFT is marked as 'suspicious'

To protect you, our users, MetaMask Portfolio analyzes NFT metadata and automatically marks assets as'suspicious' if our NFT data providers indicate that it may be malicious.


If an NFT is in your 'suspicious' tab and you don't recognize it, we strongly recommend you do not follow its instructions.

Users are increasingly falling victim to scams that airdrop NFTs to your account. Many of these NFTs contain instructions to visit a specific site or URL, either in the image itself or in the 'About' text visible when you click. Inevitably, these airdropped NFTs are trying to direct you to fraudulent sites that will attempt to phish you or compel you to sign malicious transactions.

Read more here: NFT airdrop scams.

If you're confident the NFT is legitimate and you expected it to be in your wallet, you can mark the NFT as 'not suspicious' by following the instructions here.