Stay safeProtect yourselfProtect yourselfFeatured Articles Ho subito una violazione/truffa (transazioni non autorizzate sul mio account) In questa situazione, il tuo portafoglio è probabilmente compromesso (qualcuno ha effettuato un accesso non autorizzato). I passaggi descritti di seguito illustrano un metodo per limitare i danni: potresti essere in grado di salvare alcuni fondi del tuo account prima che vengano prelevati.Help How to report a scam If you believe you've fallen victim to a scam, the first thing you should do is follow the steps detailed in our I've been hacked/scammed article.How to tell if a smart contract is safe to interact with Smart contracts are the computer programs that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and similar blockchains. Their name is somewhat misleading: when you interact with them, you're not signing up to a contract, but simply triggering a program to run.There is an unauthorized transaction on my account If you see a transaction on your account that you do not recognize at first, one of these situations will apply to you:How to report an address on Etherscan As most block explorers share similar architecture, you can also do this on other networks, such as on BSCScan, PolygonScan, Snowtrace, etc.What to do if you have a sweeper bot on your account Have assets suddenly moved out of your account, without your permission or knowledge? Have you noticed that every time you transfer something into your account, it gets automatically forwarded somewhere else?CategoriesNFTs ➔Learn how to protect yourself from NFT scams.Social engineering ➔Learn how to spot and avoid common social engineering scams.Tokens and transactions ➔Learn about common token and transaction scams.Wallet and hardware ➔Learn about wallet and hardware scams.
Ho subito una violazione/truffa (transazioni non autorizzate sul mio account) In questa situazione, il tuo portafoglio è probabilmente compromesso (qualcuno ha effettuato un accesso non autorizzato). I passaggi descritti di seguito illustrano un metodo per limitare i danni: potresti essere in grado di salvare alcuni fondi del tuo account prima che vengano prelevati.
How to report a scam If you believe you've fallen victim to a scam, the first thing you should do is follow the steps detailed in our I've been hacked/scammed article.
How to tell if a smart contract is safe to interact with Smart contracts are the computer programs that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and similar blockchains. Their name is somewhat misleading: when you interact with them, you're not signing up to a contract, but simply triggering a program to run.
There is an unauthorized transaction on my account If you see a transaction on your account that you do not recognize at first, one of these situations will apply to you:
How to report an address on Etherscan As most block explorers share similar architecture, you can also do this on other networks, such as on BSCScan, PolygonScan, Snowtrace, etc.
What to do if you have a sweeper bot on your account Have assets suddenly moved out of your account, without your permission or knowledge? Have you noticed that every time you transfer something into your account, it gets automatically forwarded somewhere else?