Safety in web3
Featured Articles
What are MetaMask's official support channels?
Stay safe by knowing MetaMask's official support channels.
Suggerimenti di base sulla sicurezza e la protezione di MetaMask
Ti stai avvicinando per la prima volta alle criptovalute e al web3?
Using transaction security providers to protect yourself from scams
This service analyzes transactions or signature requests and advises whether it is potentially unsafe.
How do I recognize the real MetaMask?
Let's take a look at how you can sus out the imitations from the real MetaMask.
Why am I being warned about sending tokens to a contract?
Learn more about sending tokens to a contract, and why you should avoid it.
Scammers and Phishers: Rugpulls and airdrop scams
With incredible growth comes thieves and scammers. Be vigilant.
I received an email claiming to be from MetaMask. Is it legit?
MetaMask will never send you unsolicited emails.
'Deceptive site ahead' when trying to connect to a site
We recommend you don't connect your wallet to sites that trigger this message.
Token safety practices
How to stay safe when interacting with tokens.
What is a token approval?
Understanding token approvals is essential for staying safe in web3.
What is a malicious token approval?
Malicious token approvals tend to be a common attack vector for scams.
The risks of connecting to an unknown network
Think twice before you connect your wallet to a new network.
What is a sweeper bot?
All you need to know about sweeper bots and how to stay safe.
Why does MetaMask Swaps use unlimited token approvals?
Our token approval is given strictly to our Spender contract.