
How to delete your MetaMetrics data?

At MetaMask we want you to have full autonomy of your data, and whether you wish to participate in it being collected. If you no longer want to enable user data metrics or want to delete your MetaMetrics data, follow the steps below.

Learn more about what MetaMetrics is and how you can manage your preferences.

Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your MetaMask interface, and click ‘Settings’. Then, click ‘Security & Privacy’.

MetaMask Extension Privacy & Security

Scroll down until you see the ‘Delete MetaMetrics data’ button. Clicking this button will delete MetaMetrics data associated with your use on that specific device. Keep in mind that this process may take up to 30 days.

MetaMask Extension delete MetaMetrics

For further information about how Consensys processes personal information, including the privacy rights that might be available to you, please visit our Privacy Notice here.