
What is validator staking?

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Validator staking in MetaMask Portfolio allows you to deposit a multiple of 32 ETH and have one or more validators run on your behalf. You receive all of the rewards generated by the validator, minus a MetaMask fee.


Got less than 32 ETH, but still want to stake? Check out pooled staking or liquid staking instead.

Staking and its role on Ethereum

Validators are an integral part of the Ethereum network: they attest the validity of transactions and blocks and propose new blocks, receiving rewards in turn. Read more here, or at the Ethereum Foundation site.

To spin up a validator, you must stake by depositing 32 ETH into an Ethereum smart contract. This sum must remain committed in order for the validator to remain active, generating rewards. The deposit functions as an intentional barrier to entry: since 32 ETH has considerable value, stakers are strongly incentivized to run their validators in good faith, for the benefit of the network. Poorly performing or outright malicious validators risk having their stake “slashed” — that is, have some or all of it taken as punishment.

Validator staking with MetaMask Portfolio

Validator staking on MetaMask Portfolio involves depositing 32 ETH to set up a validator, which MetaMask operates on your behalf, maintaining the hardware and software (nodes) that running a validator requires. This service supports you to receive rewards from the protocol for your stake without needing the technical knowledge to run a node. Consensys Staking, a platform that already runs over 33,000 validators, enables MetaMask to deliver this service reliably.

Once active, your validator will remain operational until you choose to withdraw your stake and rewards, a process you can begin at any time.

This contrasts with the other MetaMask staking options: pooled staking and liquid staking (via Lido, Rocket Pool, and Stader Labs). These services pool your deposit with others in order to reach the 32 ETH necessary for a validator.

Why should I use MetaMask Portfolio validator staking?

If you have the ETH required to run a validator, staking with MetaMask Portfolio offers several advantages:

  • Self-custody: In contrast to many staking services, running validators with MetaMask Portfolio guarantees that your funds remain in your control throughout every step of your validator's lifecycle. MetaMask does not take custody of your funds at any point.
  • Reliable infrastructure: Validator staking in MetaMask Portfolio uses backend infrastructure provided by Consensys Staking, who already operate validators totaling over $2 billion of ETH (4% of all staked ETH), achieving 99.9% validator uptime. Validators operated by Consensys Staking have also never been slashed, and are monitored 24/7.
  • Simplicity: Our system offers the advantages of self-custody validator staking—support and securing the network whilst receiving regular rewards—without any of the hardware or know-how you need to run nodes yourself. You can rest easy with full peace of mind that your validator is running effectively.