How to find a transaction nonce
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A nonce is a unique number assigned to every transaction. You can find a nonce in MetaMask by clicking or tapping on the transaction in question.
Finding the nonce in MetaMask
- Extension
- Mobile
On your MetaMask homepage, head to the 'Activity' tab and find the transaction whose nonce you need.
Next, click on the transaction you're looking for and locate the nonce in the list of details:
On Mobile, you can either see all of the account's transactions or narrow them down by asset to find the transaction you're looking for.
To view all transactions, tap the clock icon in the tab bar to view all of your activity:
To view transactions for a specific asset, head back to the wallet view's 'Tokens' tab and tap it. Scroll down a little past the token's price chart to see your activity.
In either case, tap on the transaction to see the nonce:
Finding the nonce in the block explorer
Block explorers are websites that retrieve information about your accounts and transactions from the blockchain and display it for reference.
Nonces are essential to how Ethereum and Ethereum-like blockchains operate, which is why you can find them on block explorers. Here's how:
Find and click on the transaction on the block explorer. See here for more information.
On the transaction page, scroll down until you see the 'More details' section. (This is how it's labeled on Etherscan; the exact wording may differ between block explorers.)
- Look for the nonce listed under 'Other Attributes':
You can also find the nonce more quickly by clicking the eye icon in your account's transaction list: