The dashboard is not showing the same tokens as my MetaMask wallet
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The MetaMask wallet and MetaMask Portfolio are separate and distinct applications. They are only connected inasmuch as you connect them, either via the Connect wallet
button, or by adding a View-only
Here's some points to keep in mind:
- Adding a token to MetaMask does not mean it is automatically displayed in MetaMask Portfolio's 'Overview', and vice versa.
- If a token isn't appearing in 'Overview', it may be because it is not on a supported network, or isn't a supported token on one of those networks. (Currently supported networks include Ethereum mainnet, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche, OP Mainnet, Arbitrum, Fantom, and Linea). See here for further information about adding tokens.
- If you see a token in MetaMask but not in your dashboard, try adding it using our instructions here.
- If you see a token in your dashboard but not in MetaMask, add it by clicking the three dots next to the token and then 'Add to MetaMask', or by using one of these methods.