문제 해결
Cannot load tokens due to error message about token being already added
If you get an error about a token having already been added when trying to add a token, you ...
'Deceptive site ahead' when trying to connect to a site
This warning message appears when you attempt to connect your wallet to a site that may be a...
Error: Cannot read property 'balance' of undefined
You may encounter this error message when you open MetaMask:
Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC (transaction underpriced error)
The information in this article is applicable to Ethereum mainnet *and *other networks, such...
Error: Exception is thrown in contract code/in contract execution
Generally speaking, "Exception is thrown in contract code" means exactly what it says — some...
Error: Invalid or missing bridge url parameter value
Sometimes, MetaMask will present an error message, "Error
Error 'No chain ID defined'
If you are using the Ethereum Mainnet, try toggling networks: switch from Ethereum mainnet t...
Error: number-to-bn while converting number '0xNaN' to BN.js instance, error: invalid number value. Value must be an integer, hex string, BN or BigNumber instance. Note, decimals are not supported
The following error message can occur when performing a transaction in MetaMask:
Error 'Unable to find conversion rate'
The 'Unable to find conversion rate' or 'unable to load balance' error message can be prompt...
Error: 'Unable to locate this TxnHash'
This error arises when a transaction is stuck locally, and has not been properly submitted t...
Error: undefined is not an object
The following error message can occur in MetaMask:
Having issues with your Ledger
If you are having issues with your Ledger, here are some common fixes:
How to fix 'insufficient funds' error or greyed-out confirm button
Why I am getting an "insufficient funds" error?
MetaMask is unable to connect to the blockchain host
If you see the following pop-up in MetaMask:
MetaMask states 'Balance may be outdated', displays in orange, or ETH not added to balance
This article applies to MetaMask Extension.
My transaction is successful but the amount I received is far lower than the amount confirmed
If you have completed a transaction successfully but you've noticed a discrepancy between th...
There is an unauthorized transaction on my account
If you see a transaction on your account that you do not recognize at first, one of these si...
Unlock error: 'invalid password'
Depending on your browser performance, there might be a little lag when writing the MetaMask...
User Guide: Troubleshooting
If MetaMask isn't working the way you expected, there are some steps you can take on your ow...