Fund MetaMask Card
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MetaMask Card is currently in a pilot phase and is only available to MetaMask users in the UK, the EEA, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, and the US (excluding New York and Vermont). We’re working hard to bring MetaMask Card to more people; stay tuned for updates!
MetaMask Card uses the Linea network to allow near-instantaneous transactions, so you'll need approved tokens on Linea. Bridging funds to Linea is easy—keep on reading to learn more, or jump to ‘Manage Spending Limit’ if you already have funds on Linea.
Bridge to Linea
Linea is a super-fast layer 2 network, allowing for transactions to be completed at high speed and low costs. To ensure that your transaction goes through as soon as you tap your MetaMask Card, we’ve chosen Linea as the initially supported network during this pilot.
Head to the bridging page on MetaMask Portfolio. If you haven't already connected your wallet, hit the 'Connect MetaMask' button in the top right.
Learn more about using the Bridge feature in MetaMask Portfolio here.
MetaMask Card allows you to spend using USDT, USDC, and wETH (in the US, USDC only). Each transaction with your card requires a small amount of gas to cover the network fee, which will be taken from the same token you're spending. After a transaction, you can see the gas fee in the transaction details in your card dashboard.
The MetaMask Portfolio Bridge allows you to conveniently swap and bridge at once, which means that you can easily swap from ETH on the Ethereum network, to USDT, USDC, or wETH on the Linea network.
During onboarding to MetaMask Card, and after bridging at least $5.00 of either of the aforementioned tokens to Linea, $0.20 of ETH will be deposited to your Linea account to cover the gas for spending limit approval.
Manage spending limit & accounts
MetaMask Card allows you to directly spend from your self-custodial MetaMask account. To give MetaMask Card permission to start spending from an account, you will need to set a spending limit. You can set spending limits for multiple accounts by repeating the process.
When you set a spending limit, also known as a spending cap, you choose a certain token amount for MetaMask Card to spend from your account. These funds will remain in your account, and you can revoke the spending cap at any time.
You can choose either USDC, USDT, or wETH for spending with your MetaMask Card. For US users, USDC is the only supported token. It is also possible to delegate multiple tokens; you can then set a priority to decide which tokens should be spent in which order.
Learn more about managing your spending limit here.
Set a spending limit
You can choose to either ‘Automatically approve spending’, meaning that you allow MetaMask Card to spend as much of a specific token as you have in your account, or you can choose to ‘Approve a specific limit’, meaning that you can only spend as much of a specific token as per the limit you’ve set.
Each time you set a spending limit, you will have to pay a gas fee to approve the transaction.
If you choose ‘Automatically approve spending’, you’ll only have to pay a gas fee once to allow MetaMask Card to use this token.
If you choose ‘Approve a specific limit’, you’ll have to pay a gas fee every time you approve a new limit. For example, if you set your initial limit to 20 USDC, and spend that entire limit, you’ll need to set a new limit to keep spending USDC. When you approve a new limit, you’ll have to pay a gas fee again.
Supported tokens
Currently, USDC, USDT, and wETH are supported tokens for spending with MetaMask Card. For US users, USDC is the only supported token.
Set a spending preference
You can set spending limits for MetaMask Card with multiple tokens. You need to set one token that will be spent first; if you do not have enough of this token in your account to complete a transaction, the token next in line will be used instead. Learn more about spending preference here.
All set with funding your MetaMask Card? It’s time to start using it!