How do I stake with MetaMask Staking?
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MetaMask Staking is currently only supported on Ethereum mainnet.
Staking with MetaMask is a fairly straightforward process. However, there are two options to choose from:
- If you want to stake less than 32 ETH, continue on to the instructions below, for liquid staking. Alternatively, you could check out our pooled staking feature.
- If you have 32 ETH or more and you're interested in having your own validator(s), check out our validator staking guide, here.
Follow the steps below to get started and receive rewards:
- Head on to MetaMask Portfolio, select 'Move Crypto' in the left-hand menu, and then click 'Stake'. You can select which token you want to stake: ETH or MATIC (MATIC staking is currently available only to users outside the United States).
After selecting the token you wish to stake, choose the staking provider.
Enter the amount of ETH or MATIC tokens that you want to stake and click 'Review'.
- Review the details of your stake and click the 'Confirm' button once you're ready.
- Wait a few moments while your transaction is in progress. Once the transaction is complete, you'll see a screen like the one below:
Tracking your assets
You can track your staked tokens anytime, under 'Your Holdings'. The right-most card shows an active stake:
If you want to withdraw your staked tokens and rewards, follow the steps here.