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How to use the DeFi dashboard in MetaMask Portfolio

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Get started with DeFi protocols

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is the future of finance. While traditional finance relies on banks and other third-parties, DeFi runs on dapps (decentralized applications) and protocols. Protocols are blockchain-based programs that allow users to make direct financial transactions without the need for a third-party. Lend, borrow, invest, swap, trade, and more with DeFi protocols.

There are thousands of DeFi protocols currently available, and this number will continue to grow in the future. Popular protocols include UniSwap, Aave, Curve, and more. As you interact with various DeFi protocols, you need a place to easily view all of your positions.

Powered by an open-source library, you can now monitor all your DeFi protocols and positions on the MetaMask Portfolio Dashboard.

View your existing positions

To access the DeFi dashboard, head to your dashboard page at If you already have your wallet connected to the dapp, you'll see a DeFi tab immediately beneath your portfolio value:

MetaMask Portfolio locate Defi

If you haven't already connected your wallet, follow this guide. If you just want to watch accounts, see here.

Once you're on the DeFi dashboard, you'll see your existing positions on supported protocols.

The DeFi dashboard is organized by protocols. Under each protocol, you will see the name of the corresponding position you hold. After the position name, you will see your balance, rewards, account address, and value:

MetaMask Portfolio DeFi

Manage networks

The DeFi dashboard automatically supports the following networks:

  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • BNB Chain
  • Polygon
  • Base
  • Linea
  • Arbitrum

You can manage networks by clicking on the networks dropdown, found above the list of displayed positions. Networks with a checkmark next to them are visible on your DeFi dashboard. To hide a network, click on the network's name. You can show this network at any time by clicking on it again. You can also click 'Select All' to display all active networks.

If you can't find a specific network, it may be listed under 'Inactive Networks'. To enable an inactive network, click 'Manage in network settings', and then toggle the network on. The network will then appear in your 'Active Networks' list.

Contribute protocols

If you don't see one of your positions, its protocol likely hasn't been added to the open-source library. Check out the library here to determine if the relevant protocol has been added.

If the protocol hasn't been added, you can add it yourself, or contact the dapp directly to let them know you'd like to monitor your position through MetaMask Portfolio.