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How to watch an account in MetaMask Portfolio

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Looking for how to add an account to MetaMask, or import an existing one?

This article is specifically about watching accounts in MetaMask Portfolio, available at To add an additional account to your MetaMask wallet, see here; to import an existing account, see here.

Watching an account lets you add it to your dashboard without connecting to it directly, as you do with the typical method for adding accounts. It's important to note, however, that watching an account does not mean you own it. You can watch any Ethereum account that exists, but you can't restore those accounts in your MetaMask wallet if you don't know their SRP or private key.

This is useful if, for example, you have multiple Secret Recovery Phrases, and want them to still show up in your dashboard. Due to the nature of MetaMask Extension and MetaMask Mobile, you can only be signed into a single wallet at a time in the same browser instance or mobile device. By watching your accounts, you can bring together multiple MetaMask wallets within the same dashboard.

To watch an account, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Settings > Accounts and click on 'Add account':

MetaMask Portfolio add new

  1. Now, you'll be presented with the option to connect via MetaMask or to watch an account. Pick the latter:

Metamask Portfolio Watch

  1. Input the ENS name or public address of the account you want to watch, and click 'Import'.

  2. The account will be added to your dashboard. You can filter displayed accounts by unchecking them in the account selector.

    MetaMask Portfolio view watched accounts