What are estimated balance changes?
When you’re about to send a transaction, MetaMask will try to predict the estimated balance changes to your account, allowing you to get a better understanding of the outcome of the transaction you’re about to submit.
Note that transaction simulations are only available on the Ethereum network at this time.
As new transactions continuously enter the blockchain, be aware that these simulations are predictions and that the final outcome isn’t guaranteed.
What kind of transactions are supported?
At this time, transaction simulations are available for contract interactions, and you will be able to see balance changes that involve ERC-20 tokens, as well as ERC-721 and ERC-1155 NFTs being transferred in and out of your account.
MetaMask will always try to show the fiat value of the assets that you are sending and receiving. If the fiat value cannot be fetched, MetaMask will show it as ‘Not available’.