How to manage dapp permissions
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You can manage dapp permissions easily by clicking the 3 dots in the top right of MetaMask and selecting "All Permissions." This will show you a list of connected dapps, allowing you to click into each dapp and connect more accounts or disconnect all accounts.
Another option is managing permissions on a per-dapp basis, as shown below.
Manage permissions when connecting to a dapp
When connecting to a dapp, MetaMask will ask you to review the accounts and networks that the dapp wants to connect to. You can manage these permissions by clicking 'Edit' next to each section.
Manage permissions for connected dapp
- Extension
While the dapp is open, open MetaMask and click the favicon/icon of the dapp.
You can manage both the connected accounts as well as the networks that have been enabled for this dapp on this screen.
Clicking 'Edit' next to the connected accounts section will show you the accounts already connected to the dapp. You can deselect any accounts you no longer want to connect to the dapp. Remember, the dapp will also be able to suggest transactions for connected accounts.
Clicking 'Edit' next to the networks section will show you the networks already enabled for the dapp. You can deselect any networks you no longer want to connect to the dapp. A dapp using multiple networks will be able to seamlessly switch between the enabled networks without prompting you to switch manually.