Featured Articles
How to view your account details and public address
View your account details and public address.
How to switch accounts in MetaMask
How to switch between multiple accounts.
How to add accounts in your wallet
MetaMask allows you to easily import and add new accounts to your wallet.
Cara menambah akaun yang hilang selepas dipulihkan dengan Frasa Pemulihan Rahsia
Cara mengalih keluar akaun daripada dompet MetaMask anda
Anda hanya boleh mengalih keluar akaun yang diimport dan akaun luaran yang telah anda import dengan kunci peribadi atau JSON (seperti dompet perkakasan).
Reconciling and keeping track of your accounts
Manage multiple accounts effectively and safely.
How to export an account's private key
Want to import your MetaMask wallet into a different wallet? Here's how to do it safely.
How do I change my account name?
Name your accounts for convenience.
Cara mengeset semula akaun anda
Pengesetan semula akaun harus secara tegas hanya digunakan semasa perlu, selalunya untuk menyelesaikan transaksi yang tersekat dan belum selesai. Kami tidak mengesyorkan anda menetapkan semula akaun anda melainkan salah satu ejen Sokongan kami mencadangkan anda berbuat demikian.
Can I access my accounts without my Secret Recovery Phrase?
If you can't find your SRP, but want to access your accounts, then learn more here.
My Secret Recovery Phrase/private key restored the wrong account(s)
Here are some common reasons and solutions for why your SRP might restore the wrong account(s).
Mengeset semula akaun anda semasa transaksi tersekat atau belum selesai