Pooled staking
Featured Articles
How to stake with MetaMask Pooled Staking
Learn how to deposit your stake.
What is MetaMask Pooled Staking?
Learn what staking is, and how MetaMask Pooled Staking works.
How to unstake from MetaMask Pooled Staking
How to stop staking and withdraw ETH from the pool.
What are the risks of staking with MetaMask Pooled Staking?
Find our risk disclosures for MetaMask Pooled Staking.
How do rewards work in MetaMask Pooled Staking?
How we distribute Ethereum protocol rewards to you, and what different terms mean.
Is there a minimum deposit for MetaMask Pooled Staking?
Hint -- there isn't a minimum deposit for pooled staking in MetaMask.
Can I use MetaMask Pooled Staking with my hardware wallet?
How to use MetaMask Pooled Staking with your hardware wallet.