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Gebruikersgids: Swaps
MetaMask Swaps is een functie van MetaMask waarmee je de ene cryptocurrency-token voor een andere kunt ruilen (meer informatie over ERC-20-tokens en het verschil met NFT's vind je in onze gebruikersgids). Het is super handig en eenvoudig, en vermindert drastisch het aantal benodigde stappen, en de hoeveelheid blootstelling aan slimme contracten van derden, om tokens te verkrijgen die u interesseren.
Error: 'EXPIRY PASSED' after a swap
Troubleshoot by retrying the swap.
Error fetching quote
Try checking liquidity on the token you want to swap.
I did a swap, but received fewer tokens or less fiat value than I expected. Why?
Troubleshoot with the steps listed here.
Why are some tokens missing from MetaMask Swaps?
When tokens have liquidity on DEXs, they are typically available to swap in MetaMask. Try checking back later.
Why did my MetaMask swap fail?
The main reason why your swap might have failed is likely to be slippage.
Why is the MetaMask Swap button unavailable / greyed out?
It's likely because the network you're on doesn't support Swaps.
How do I see the price at time of purchase for tokens bought through Swaps
You can use a block explorer like Etherscan.
Using MetaMask Swaps in MetaMask Portfolio
Learn more about MetaMask Swaps.