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Why is the MetaMask Swap button unavailable / greyed out?

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This article is for MetaMask swaps performed with the swap button within our app or extension. For all other swap inquiries, please contact the third-party swap system you used, as they will have a better understanding of their system's intricacies, nuances, and issues.

MetaMask Swaps is not available on every network. If it is available on a network, the button will allow you to proceed. The team is investigating options on a path forward for additional networks. If and when that time comes, you will automatically see it reflected in the app and extension.

MetaMask swap button greyed

If you are on a network on which Swaps is available, but are unable to click the Swap button, try restarting your browser, or try a different network connection entirely. Sometimes toggling networks (switch from one network back to the network you were using) helps.