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What are MetaMask's official support channels?

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MetaMask does not have a phone number

MetaMask Support does not have a phone number. We will never speak to you on the phone. If anyone tries to speak to you on a phone call, they are trying to scam you and steal your assets.

Keep reading for all of the real ways to speak with MetaMask Support.

When trying to get support for MetaMask, always be wary of who you're communicating with. A reliable rule of thumb is that if anyone asks for your Secret Recovery Phrase, they are trying to scam you.

If you aren't sure whether or not something or someone is legitimate, ignore it. To check whether something is genuine, get in touch with us via the conversation button on our Support website, or on the conversation button at the bottom right of this page, and we will advise.

Official support channels

MetaMask representatives will only ever contact you via:


MetaMask Support will only ever contact you via email concerning open tickets, from the domain [email protected].

Scam emails

Be very cautious when interacting with an email claiming to be from MetaMask. Here are some safety rules for interacting with emails:

  • If you don't have an open support ticket, ignore the email.
  • If an email does not come from [email protected], ignore it; scammers have been known to target people with open tickets asking for Secret Recovery Phrases. We will never ask for your Secret Recovery Phrase.

Common scam emails may involve asking you to follow a link to 'verify' or 'confirm' your account, often with a sense of urgency. See here for more information: I received an email claiming to be from MetaMask. Is it legit?

Community platform

MetaMask Support uses our Community platform to connect users and hear directly from you. As the rules at the top of our Community page say, we will never DM you offering support.

The MetaMask subreddit is an extension of our Community and is also moderated by team members. However, as on any other platform, we will never DM you on Reddit.

The MetaMask Discord is also an extension of our community and is moderated by team members. However, as on any other platform, we will never DM you first on Discord.

MetaMask Support also has a verified Twitter account, which is primarily to share important information to help out you and fellow users. MetaMask will never contact you about your Support case on Twitter.


Through the chat accessed through the conversation button on our Support website, including this page. This is our main channel for support communication.

Fake support channels

Here is a non-exhaustive list of ways MetaMask will not contact you:

  • Phone number
  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook
  • Telegram
  • Twitter
  • Text/SMS
  • Instagram

Any group that you find on Telegram, WhatsApp, or Instagram that claims to be an official MetaMask group should be considered at best a fan club, and at worst an attempt at social engineering with the goal of stealing peoples' crypto-assets.

MetaMask does not have a phone number for support, and will never ask you to get on a phone call.