How to report an address on Etherscan
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As most block explorers share similar architecture, you can also do this on other networks, such as on BSCScan, PolygonScan, Snowtrace, etc.
Using a block explorer such as Etherscan (see our guide) enables you to take advantage of the public nature of the blockchain, and is a useful first port of call if you want to check any aspect of your transaction — whether it's complete, which wallets were involved, what time it was sent, etc.
If you suspect you've identified a wallet or contract address that is being used for scams—such as phishing attacks—you can flag it to Etherscan. The Etherscan team will then investigate the address, and, if in agreement, will mark the address as fraudulent wherever it appears on the block explorer.
This will help other users to easily identify it, such as if they are doing their due diligence on a dapp's smart contract before connecting their wallet.
Reporting an address
- Access the address on Etherscan. Check the URL to confirm you're in the right place: for both contract and wallet addresses, it will read, where xyz is the address itself.
- Locate the 'More Info' section on the right, near the top of the page.
- Click the dropdown menu marked 'More' and select 'Report/Flag Address':
- Complete the Etherscan form.