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Error 'Unable to find conversion rate'

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The 'Unable to find conversion rate' or 'unable to load balance' error message can be prompted because:

If these steps do not solve this issue, try reinstalling the app. Make sure you have everything backed up before proceeding: your Secret Recovery Phrase, private keys (for any imported accounts), and passwords.

Do not uninstall the app if you don't have your Secret Recovery Phrase backed up and safely recorded somewhere, otherwise you will permanently lose access to your wallet. Since MetaMask is a self-custodial (non-custodial) wallet, we won't be able to help you regain access in such cases. After reinstalling, you'll need to restore your wallet using your Secret Recovery Phrase.

For each old account that you had in your original installation, you must re-add it; see here for details.

If the token you are looking for is not found using the Search method, then you will need to add it as a Custom Token.