How to connect to Linea on MetaMask
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Great news, Linea is live and native to MetaMask! This means that you can connect to Linea without having to add it to your network configuration.
To connect to Linea follow the steps below:
- Mobile
- Extension
Locate the current network drop-down at the top of the screen
Tap it to view your previously connected networks, and then tap Linea to switch to it.
Select the drop-down arrow in the top left corner of the app. It will currently display the network you're connected to, such as 'Ethereum Mainnet', or any other you used last.
Scroll through the menu until you find the 'Linea Mainnet' network, then click on it to switch.
Once I get connected to Linea, what can I do?
There's a lot going on! Follow some of these guides to get started, and check out the dapps that are already deployed to the network.
You can bridge to and from Linea using MetaMask Portfolio's Bridge, and swap on Linea using MetaMask Swaps.
Here are the canonical Linea pages:
Home page:
Documentation and guides: