Does MetaMask charge a fee for validator staking?
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Yes – MetaMask charges a flat fee of 10% of your validator(s') rewards.
This fee is taken when you claim your rewards. This is how it works:
- The rewards your validator earns are sent to a smart contract which MetaMask does NOT hold the key for. If we did, we'd be custodians of your fund, which we really don't want.
- The smart contract has a function that, when called, funnels 90% of rewards to your wallet and 10% to a MetaMask-owned wallet.
- This smart contract can only be called by either your wallet or a MetaMask wallet. In either way, MetaMask doesn't get to decide where the funds are funneled: it's configured in the smart contract based on the account you used to deposit the funds in the first place.
The rewards figure you see for your validator claimable rewards is always post-fee: you will always receive the displayed rewards figure.
The validator rewards rates also reflect your reward rates after our fee is subtracted.