How to import a token in MetaMask Portfolio
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Want to add a token to MetaMask?
This article is specifically about adding tokens to your portfolio in MetaMask Portfolio at If you're looking to add tokens to your MetaMask wallet, see here.
When you add your accounts to MetaMask Portfolio, most tokens will be detected automatically and displayed in your dashboard.
If you hold a token in one of your accounts and it doesn't automatically show up in your dashboard, you can add it manually.
- Search for a token
- Custom token
Hit the 'More' button, next to the 'Networks' selector:
This will bring up a menu that lets you search for the token:
Input its name, click on it, and then follow the prompts to add it to your assets list.
You won't be able to add a token unless you hold it in one of your connected accounts.
Hit the 'More' button, next to the 'Networks' selector:
From here, select the "Custom Token" tab and insert the details of the token you're looking for. If you need to find the details, head to the block explorer of the relevant network and search for the token by its name or symbol.