DevelopIPFSHow-To GuidesHow-To GuidesCurious to get started with Infura's IPFS API? You're at the right place! Guides How to pin IPFS files on Infura Pinning in IPFS allows you to tell IPFS to keep a certain object in its storage. Usually, an IPFS client only keeps files cached for a certain time after they've been accessed, after which they get deleted during garbage collection unless you pin that file.How to transfer existing IPFS data to Infura Are you currently hosting your own IPFS data and looking to migrate to Infura? Infura allows you to easily migrate your existing IPFS data to Infura's reliable IPFS service, offering various features:How to unpin IPFS files on Infura Pinning in IPFS allows you to tell IPFS to keep a particular object in its storage. Usually, an IPFS client only keeps files cached for a specific time after they've been accessed, after which they get deleted during garbage collection unless those files are pinned.
How to pin IPFS files on Infura Pinning in IPFS allows you to tell IPFS to keep a certain object in its storage. Usually, an IPFS client only keeps files cached for a certain time after they've been accessed, after which they get deleted during garbage collection unless you pin that file.
How to transfer existing IPFS data to Infura Are you currently hosting your own IPFS data and looking to migrate to Infura? Infura allows you to easily migrate your existing IPFS data to Infura's reliable IPFS service, offering various features:
How to unpin IPFS files on Infura Pinning in IPFS allows you to tell IPFS to keep a particular object in its storage. Usually, an IPFS client only keeps files cached for a specific time after they've been accessed, after which they get deleted during garbage collection unless those files are pinned.