Getting started with the MetaMask Portfolio dashboard
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What is MetaMask Portfolio?
MetaMask Portfolio is a dapp that lets you view your MetaMask accounts and their assets in one place, and buy, swap, bridge, and stake your assets.
The hub of MetaMask Portfolio is the dashboard. It aggregates values from up to 10 accounts and shows your total holdings, making it easier to get an at-a-glance summary of their value in your chosen currency.
In MetaMask Portfolio, click 'Overview' to reach your Dashboard. You can also access it here: On Extension and Mobile, click 'Portfolio' near your wallet balance toward the top of the screen. It looks like this:
As MetaMask is designed to function as your passport to the multi-chain decentralized web, your dashboard shows assets on multiple Ethereum-compatible networks. Currently, this includes:
- Ethereum mainnet
- Avalanche (C-Chain)
- Polygon
- BNB Chain (formerly BSC)
- Fantom
- Arbitrum
- Optimism
- Linea
- zkSync
- Polygon zkEVM
- Celo
- Cronos
- Moonbeam
- Moonriver
- Aurora
We regularly add support for different networks to your Dashboard.
How do I get set up?
The first thing you'll need to do is connect your MetaMask wallet. This is as simple as hitting the prompt in the center of the screen; if you want more information, see our guide.
Once connected, you can start exploring your portfolio:
- Learn how to switch networks
- Explore details about the assets your hold
- View your NFTs
- Find and watch additional tokens
- Add any additional MetaMask accounts you have.