Nhảy tới nội dung

Tax compliance and crypto-assets

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In many jurisdictions, transactions involving digital assets may be a taxable event. Taxation on digital assets is an evolving issue, and the rules vary depending on what jurisdiction you live in.

Due to this, you should be aware that you may have tax obligations, and you should consult a tax professional about your particular situation.

Given the pace at which this field is developing and the sheer number of different jurisdictions involved, we're unable to provide an exhaustive, accurate, and up-to-date register of tax rules here.

Please consult guidance published by the relevant tax authority in your jurisdiction to learn of any tax obligations that may apply to you.

Crypto-asset tax tools

There are many software tools available which are specifically designed to help you keep on top of your crypto-asset—related tax obligations, such as assisting with tax returns.

Many of these tools are paid. However, you can access discounts to these fees by accessing the platforms via MetaMask Portfolio's Tokens page — just look for the 'Partnered tax providers' section.

Please note that none of these products are directly affiliated with MetaMask.


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