How do validator staking rewards work?
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How ETH staking rewards work
'Rewards' refers to the payments Ethereum validators receive from the protocol in return for their contributions to keeping the network secure, stable, and operational. They comprise:
- A base rate, paid to validators who attest blocks. This is frequent because it happens at every block, and;
- Additional rewards paid to the one validator randomly selected to propose the block. Given the total number of Ethereum validators, each validator proposes a block every 140 days on average. Block proposal rewards include a default protocol reward (0.05 ETH) plus additional MEV rewards ("tips"), the amount of which depends on the transactions included in the block.
Since the responsibility for block proposal is assigned to validators randomly, and the rewards for proposing a block depends on the transactions included in the specific block, the amount of rewards earned when proposing a new block varies. If your validator's rewards rate on MetaMask Staking is higher or lower than expected, it's most likely because of this natural variation. See our article on rewards variability here.
How rewards are displayed
Rewards rate
In MetaMask Validator Staking, we display three reward rate data points:
- On the staking widget: the average rewards rate of all Consensys-operated validators over the last seven days, minus the 10% MetaMask fee.
- In your 'Validators' reporting tab: the reward rate of your validator since it became active, minus the 10% MetaMask fee.
- In the 'Accounts' reporting tab: the reward rate of all of your validators since they became active, minus the 10% MetaMask fee.