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MetaMask Swaps 是 MetaMask 的一项功能,具体用途是加密货币代币两两互换(有关 ERC-20 代币以及这些代币与 NFT 之间区别的更多信息,请参阅我们的用户指南)。要想获取您感兴趣的代币,使用这项功能可谓非常方便和直接,并且大大减少操作步骤以及第三方智能合约的风险敞口数量。
Error: 'EXPIRY PASSED' after a swap
Troubleshoot by retrying the swap.
Error fetching quote
Try checking liquidity on the token you want to swap.
I did a swap, but received fewer tokens or less fiat value than I expected. Why?
Troubleshoot with the steps listed here.
Why are some tokens missing from MetaMask Swaps?
When tokens have liquidity on DEXs, they are typically available to swap in MetaMask. Try checking back later.
Why did my MetaMask swap fail?
The main reason why your swap might have failed is likely to be slippage.
Why is the MetaMask Swap button unavailable / greyed out?
It's likely because the network you're on doesn't support Swaps.
How do I see the price at time of purchase for tokens bought through Swaps
You can use a block explorer like Etherscan.
Using MetaMask Swaps in MetaMask Portfolio
Learn more about MetaMask Swaps.